Table of Contents
SSKV - Super Simple Key Value
Super simple key value with type safety and implement your own load and save function.
Why Type safety
Because it’s cool.
Why Implement Load and Save Manually
No ability to load
and save
type Data = {
foo: number;
bar: string;
lok: boolean;
const defaultData: Data = {
foo: 1,
bar: "test",
lok: true,
const dummy = new SSKV<Data>(defaultData);
dummy.set("bar", "change");
Persistence with JSON file.
type Data = {
foo: number;
bar: string;
lok: boolean;
const defaultData: Data = {
foo: 1,
bar: "test",
lok: true,
const dummy = new SSKV<Data>(defaultData, {
save: (currentData, defaultData) => {
const data = Object.assign({}, defaultData, currentData);
fs.writeFileSync("data.json", JSON.stringify(data));
load: () => {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("data.json", "utf8")) as Data;
// Both of these is equal operation for load and get
dummy.get("foo", true);
// Both of these is equal operation for set and save
dummy.set("bar", "change").save();
dummy.set("bar", "change", true);
Persistence with JSON file.
type Data = {
foo: number;
bar: string;
lok: boolean;
const defaultData: Data = {
foo: 1,
bar: "test",
lok: true,
const dummy = new SSKV<Data>(defaultData, {
save: (currentData, defaultData) => {
const data = Object.assign({}, defaultData, currentData);
Deno.writeTextFileSync("data.json", JSON.stringify(data));
load: () => {
const data = Deno.readTextFileSync("data.json");
return JSON.parse(data) as Data;
// Both of these is equal operation for load and get
dummy.get("foo", true);
// Both of these is equal operation for set and save
dummy.set("bar", "change").save();
dummy.set("bar", "change", true);
Browser localStorage
Persistence with JSON in localStorage
type Data = {
foo: number;
bar: string;
lok: boolean;
const defaultData: Data = {
foo: 1,
bar: "test",
lok: true,
const dummy = new SSKV<Data>(defaultData, {
save: (currentData, defaultData) => {
const data = Object.assign({}, defaultData, currentData);
localStorage.setItem("data", JSON.stringify(data));
load: () => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("data") ?? "{}") as Data;
// Both of these is equal operation for load and get
dummy.get("foo", true);
// Both of these is equal operation for set and save
dummy.set("bar", "change").save();
dummy.set("bar", "change", true);